Support the Missions

Ways You Can Give

Give a one time, or monthly support online

Give a one time or recurring donation online:

Give by texting our provided number

Simply text the word Give with the amount

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Give by sending us a check via mail

Give by sending us a check via mail

All donations to UBI are tax-deductible. Please email/contact us to receive your monthly or annual donor summary.
Your generous stewardship allows UBI to continue to make direct change in the world for missions. We thank you for your stewardship!

Where does my money go?

UBI serves to equip, train, and support missionaries. Your donation helps us to lead mission trips, seminars, camps, retreats, and more to prepare, encourage, and send ministers to the field. All funds are used to support indigenous ministers, present & future missionaries and assist the field with Gospel-work. Click to learn more about the work in the ministry and ministers your donation supports!

How can I help?

Here at UBI there are various ways to help beyond just financial support. We firmly believe in the power of prayer- please join our monthly prayer meetings (live at VA & streamed- coming soon). UBI also donates according to needs of missionaries and the mission field such as with: clothes, Bibles, food, and more.
Furthermore, we are actively involved in homeless ministry and various mercy ministries. Click the button to learn more!

Make a tax-deductible donation today!

Support the field.